High Profile

1)"Xilomiti Luzinha Or Gama Santos Santob, encantada. Macunaista. Shlomitiniana. Lambe-lambe. Revisionária do texto alheio. Participa de  revoluções onde só se possa dançar. Shlomitoista, tange alaúdes. Lucianóloga e legítima Icamiaba."

2) Shlomit Or was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in May 1966 and lives in Jerusalem since his Aliyah in 2008. Master in Theory of Literature (Unicamp) and the  poetic  street. His photographic training is based on classical repertoire of literate practices of the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries in the Iberian Peninsula, with its expertise and poetic rhetoric. It is self-taught in photography and his main influences rely on painting and poetry collections like the Ut Pictura Poeisis Horatian, thus re-creates the concept through the practice of photography as giving a poetic tone sublime your photos.
Has publications contained in the agency Reuters as a photographer citizen and in various media Israel such as: Ha Aretz and Zahav. Participated in the exhibition A New Eye on Israel in 2009 Tel Aviv - Israel.Received in the first place grand prize to encourage the culture of the Ministry of Absorption in 2010.
His constant subject in photography is the city of Jerusalem where he seeks to focus its antiquity and modernity with a variety of people who walk by it. It is practical and portrait photo of the street that  brings much light to your photos and for people who kindly pose for it.

3) Luciana Gama é Mestre em Teoria e História Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001).  Especialista  na área de Letras, com ênfase  em Praticas Letradas na Peninsula Ibérica  e América Portuguesa (séc XVIII) , atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: poética, retórica, biblia como literatura . Graduada em Letras, Habilitação em Português-Bacharelado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1998) Lecionou como professora assistente de literatura brasileira da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (2001-2009). É doutoranda na University Hebrew of Jerusalem com a tese:  "Samuel Usque: entre Judaísmo e Cristianismo. Retórica e Bíblia Hebraica nas Consolações às Tribulações de Israel- séc XVI" com orientação do Dr. Cyril Aslanov e co-tutela na Universidade estadual de Campinas com o Dr. Alcir Pécora.
